Pictured here: The 2006 boat ride showing mayors and elected officials the trail’s potential
In its River Edge Renaissance Plan, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago recognized the need and opportunity for outdoor recreation along its waterways, proposing that 1/3 of the 853 acres along the Cal-Sag Channel be used for recreation and public access.
The inception of the Friends of the Cal-Sag Trail, and the beginnings of the concerted effort to see the trail go from concept to reality, date back to 2004, when Palos Heights residents Bill Poore and Gayle Greenwald, with Steve Buchtel of the Chicagoland Bicycle Federation, met with Palos Heights Parks and Recreation director Mark Purcell at Lake Katherine to discuss the need for a bike path connection to the city’s new Metra Station.
A coalition forms—Palos Heights begins hosting monthly pizza lunches at Lake Katherine, inviting communities, agencies and public officials from Lemont to Burnham to begin discussing the possibility of a new regional trail. Diane Banta, National Park Service, leads a visioning process to define the stories and special places along the Cal-Sag that add value to the trail. The coalition adopts the Triple Bottom Line—supporting local economies, protecting the environment, and improving quality of life—as the key framework for the trail's promotion and development.
In August, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin secures the first major grant for the Cal-Sag Trail: $250,000. In September, coalition members organize a boat tour of the Cal-Sag Channel for mayors and other elected officials to showcase the Triple Bottom Line impact of the trail in their communities.
Nine Cal-Sag corridor communities and park districts—Palos Park, Palos Heights, Alsip Park District, Blue Island, Riverdale, Dolton, Dolton Park District, Calumet City, and Burnham—along with the Forest Preserve District of Cook County and the MWRD form the Cal-Sag Trail Coalition to begin planning the trail. To assist with planning, promoting and fundraising, interested residents and agencies like the Chicago Southland Convention and Visitors Bureau (CSCVB), National Park Service and Chicagoland Bicycle Federation form the Friends of the Cal-Sag Trail (FOCST). FOCST incorporates as a charitable non-profit on March 23. The CSCVB's Bob Lukens serves as its first president.
A half-mile section of the Cal-Sag Trail opens at Lake Katherine in Palos Heights. The Chicago Southland Convention & Visitors Bureau (CSCVB) funds 10,000 pamphlets for Friends of the Cal-Sag Trail outreach efforts.