A place to be active outdoors, a place to sit
The Cal-Sag Trail is a daily dose of outdoor physical activity for thousands of trail users. It’s a safe way to pedal or walk to the restaurant, to school, to the train for thousands more.
Soon, it will also be just a nice place to sit.
Friends of the Cal-Sag Trail, with generous assistance from Ozinga, has launched a donor bench program to install 26 custom steel benches, about one per mile, in every community along the Cal-Sag Trail.
This is your bench
The Cal-Sag Bench Program offers you the opportunity to name a bench and have it installed, permanently bolted to a concrete pad, along the Cal-Sag Trail. The benches weigh nearly 300 lbs, with a durable powder coat finish, and prominently feature the Cal-Sag Trail logo plasma-cut into the back rest. A cast aluminum, weatherproof 11”x3” donor plaque is permanently installed above the logo.
Cast aluminum plaques can accommodate 27 upper-case letters or 32 lower-case letters per line.
Start here
The first 12 benches have been delivered, and five of them will be installed in Palos Park, Palos Heights, and Alsip in June 2022. Seven more are currently available. The minimum donation is $3000, which covers bench and plaque manufacture, shipping and installation costs; any unspent funds will be held by Friends of the Cal-Sag Trail to assist agencies with the maintenance and further improvement of the Cal-Sag Trail and its facilities.
Please fill out the contact form below. Friends of the Cal-Sag Trail will contact you promptly to begin securing your bench and its location along the trail. Thank you for your interest in the Cal-Sag Trail bench program.